Why unifiber?
The booms and extensions are easy to adjust, stiff and very reliable. It's only when you have full confidence in your equipment that you can push your limits.
My gear
Zonnemaire, on Lake Grevelingen (close to the spot of Brouwersdam which has a surf centre). On the east side of the small harbour there's a car park with a grassy rigging area.
To the right (east) side there is 2-3 km of water that is perfect flat in a SW-wind. If it is less windy go on the left (west) side - first through some chop - but beyond there is also 2-3km of perfect flat water. The west side always has about 5knots more wind.
Favorite spot
The famous beach of La Franqui is well known to all European speedsailors. When the Tramontana kicks in here it goes crazy and open water records can be set.