Product comparison

Unifiber HD & Elite Carbon Booms Comparison

Unifiber is one of the few brands offering carbon booms in two distinct construction types: the Elite, our premium line, and the HD, a more budget-friendly option. But what are the actual differences between these two? Can an amateur racer or recreational sailor truly notice the difference? In this article, we’ll explain the differences between the Elite and HD and how they perform in real-world conditions.

The Specs

The primary difference lies in the carbon lay-up. The HD uses a balanced mix of carbon and glass fibers, while the Elite uses more specialized (and more expensive) fibers, such as T700 carbon, making these booms lighter and stiffer. The Elite is approximately 12% lighter than the HD.

To compare the stiffness, we conducted a test using booms sized 220-270, adjusted to a midway point of 244 cm. This specific size allows easy observation of boom deformation under load. Both the Elite and HD booms were mounted horizontally to emulate rig setup. One boom arm was pulled down at the harness line attachment point, while the other was anchored to prevent movement.

The Y-axis shows deflection (increase in boom width), while the X-axis shows the load in Newtons (N).

Rig Deformation

When the wind pushes into the sail and the sailor hangs on the boom, these forces slightly deform the boom.

The distance between the mast and clew shortens, allowing the sail profile to deepen, which increases power in gusts—an effect not always desired.

A stiffer boom helps maintain the most efficient sail profile and makes the sail easier to control in gusts.

Sailor to rig interaction

There is constant interaction between the sailor and the rig when windsurfing. Forces affecting the rig are translated to the sailor through the boom. The sailor must pull, push, and steer the rig in response. If the boom is too flexible, some input is lost, and the response time is longer. The stiffer the boom, the shorter the response time.

Additionally, the reduced weight of the Elite booms makes it easier to move the rig back and forth with less effort.

Is stiffer always better?

Even our pro test riders admit that a boom can be too stiff. If every vibration is felt in your hands, it becomes challenging to choose the correct response, and it feels uncomfortable. That’s why the Elite booms’ composite lay-up includes a mix of different fibre grades. Using only the highest grade carbon would make the rig too nervous and hard to handle.

Moreover, while high-grade carbon fibres are incredibly stiff and strong, they’re vulnerable to impact. In its intended use, the Elite is slightly stronger than the HD, but the HD is more resistant to reckless behaviour. Dropping your boom or waves smashing your rig on rocks is less problematic if there's some fiberglass in the mix to dampen the impact.

Are the Elite booms worth their price?

If you're an active rider who makes the most of every gust and chop and pumps through small lulls in the wind, the Elite will bring a significant difference to your windsurfing.

For a more laid-back or passive style, the HD carbon will perform just as well. It is sufficient to maintain the sail profile and will feel more comfortable, especially in choppy conditions.

Find more windsurfing gear selection tips, tricks and information here!