Product comparison

Pros & Cons

  • Light weight
  • Our Luxury boardbag protects your board better

Windsurf Bag Specifications

Compare Product Absolute Inner Length Absolute Inner Width Absolute Inner Height Main Fabric Padding Thickness Zipper Size Weight +/- 6%
Boardbag 235 x 60 245 cm 70 cm 0 cm Tarpaulin 3 mm #6 mm 1.216 kg
Boardbag 235 x 65 245 cm 75 cm 0 cm Tarpaulin 3 mm #6 mm 1.286 kg
Boardbag 240 x 70 250 cm 85 cm 0 cm Tarpaulin 3 mm #6 mm 1.387 kg
Boardbag 245 x 75 253 cm 89 cm 0 cm Tarpaulin 3 mm #6 mm 1.474 kg
Boardbag 250 x 80 260 cm 94 cm 0 cm Tarpaulin 3 mm #6 mm 1.586 kg

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What does 1 Year Unconditional + 1 Year Conditional warranty cover?
Warranty is valid 2 years after date of purchase. When making a warranty claim in the first year the product is unconditionally warranted. When making a warranty claim in the 2nd year the product must have clearly suffered from a manufacturer error.
Which boardbag size I should choose?
Important note: the size indication of the boardbag is based on the board that goes into the bag, not on the bag itself. The boardbag itself is bigger to accommodate the thickness of the board and we assume that you don't want to remove the footstraps after each session. If you want to be sure your board fits, check the inner width and inner length of the boardbag under ‘all specifications’ on our website. Wrap a measuring tape around the widest section of the board (over the front footstraps) and do the same along the length of the board. Divide both measurements by 2. Now you have the minimal required inner width and inner length for your boardbag. We advise choosing your boardbag to be relatively tight. Left-over bag space can be more inconvenient than you might think.