Product comparison


Tim Reinieren at

Unifiber’s 2017 team has been selected with more than just sailing and testing ability in mind.

So, instead of labeling them as ‘team riders’ we’ve decided to call them ‘Brand Ambassadors’ instead, because representing us and explaining what we make is exactly what they’ll do.


Apart from people sailing across disciplines - and having passion for the sport - we’ve decided to work with riders that really ‘get’ online content and how to communicate their windsurfing and travel experiences across the web and Social Media.

Traditionally brands sponsored pros whose focus was on the competitive side of the scene.

We’ve instead decided to support riders that can really show how their experience with the gear has worked out and, to be frank, can make it all a bit of fun too!

Plus, apart from making us smile from time to time, they’ve also got the serious job (someone’s got to do it eh?) of testing the gear and telling you what kind of equipment from the range suits what types of sailing best.




So, to see which ‘characters’ we’ve picked  - and why – please visit our Team Page and note the various ways you can follow the personalities that you might identify with most.

Some are focusing on soft goods and travel bags etc., and others on hardware and accessories, one or two instead like to blog, or post short clips, or might be more into sharing pictures alone - you name it, whatever the network, they’re on it!

We hope you enjoy some interesting and informative content from the team in the coming months. Thanks for following and, as always, let us know some feedback on how you think that works out or anything else you’d like to ask or tell us.

Brian, Sales & Marketing.